Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catching up

A few items in the "technology change" bucket the last few days:

  • Bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate that would require TV stations to keep the audio level on commercials the same as regular programming. The sponsors claim significantly higher audio levels on the ads is not in the public interest. Once again, I am thankful our representatives are concentrating on important, life-changing issues. Next I would like to see them deal with billboards with scantily-clad young ladies, direct mail pieces with compelling messages that make them stand out from the bills in the mailbox, and songs I don't especially like getting played on the radio.

  • There is a report in the broadcasting trades about a study that shows consumers are weary of all the technology that has invaded their media world. Tired of having music everywhere, instant connectivity, news at the tips of their fingers and such, they are likely to revert to ancient technology...like broadcast radio. I say it again: finding solace in such studies is nothing more than whistling past the graveyard. Adapt, revise, innovate...and most importantly, be creative!..or, well, die.

  • A study by Duke University says advertising spending will begin to recover this coming year to the tune of a 1.1% increase. But the bulk of that will be in on-line marketing (9.9%). Traditional advertising will decline by 1.1%. For anyone in the ad biz, this is no surprise at all. Ads go where the customers are. And more so than ever, where the accountability is. If the advertiser is able to target potential customers down to the nth degree, and only pay for those who actually become customers, why would he continue to spend most of his budget on media that sell exposure, not customers? And that are measured by rudimentary methodology?

Your thoughts?

Don Keith





Steve GW7AAV said...

I don't think consumers are weary of all the technology that has invaded their media world. They are however weary of about the constant advertising that accompanies the media they access through their technology.

I love the idea of banning songs I don't especially like from getting played on the radio. The problem is I would have to vet all the rubbish, which would involve listening to it. Uck!

Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Steve, I'd bet you a shilling that you are opposed to the GOVERNMENT deciding which songs you could hear. One of the beauty of new technology is that you have more freedome than ever in selecting "your poison," be it music, political commentary, or whatever.

BTW, I do hear some grousing from people who are somewhat overcome by technology as it pertains to phones, TV, radio and other media. Some just throw up their hands and pull their heads back into the shell.

Example: people jumped on Sirius and XM satellite radio for the variety of programming. Now the average subscriber limits listening to only 3 channels.

Don N4KC

bathmate said...

@Anonymous: I am totally agree with you